
Returning To Work After A Career Break?

Steve Frederick

June 24, 2024

Are you thinking of returning to work after being out of the job market for a few years?

Do You Hate Your Job?

Steve Frederick

June 05, 2024

A lot of people hate their jobs. There’s no shame in that—as long as you don’t stay any longer than you have to. 

The Second Interview—Don’t Blow It!

Steve Frederick

March 29, 2024

Congratulations! You’ve made it past the initial hurdle and landed a second interview. This is no small feat in today’s competitive job market. 

How to Get a Raise

Steve Frederick

March 12, 2024

“Doggone it!” said Mark. “Those S.O.B.’s have been taking advantage of me for far too long! I deserve a raise—NOW!”

Before You Accept That Next Job

Steve Frederick

January 10, 2024

At weddings, couples promise “till death do us part.” They have no idea what it will be like to be married ten or twenty years down the road, but hopefully, they have carefully evaluated their spouse-to-be.

Has Fear Crushed Your Dream?

Steve Frederick

November 07, 2023

We all have dreams. Some of us are living their dreams and enjoying work to the fullest.

Others are grubbing for money in jobs we detest.

Unhappy at work? Five (bad) Reasons to Stay Put

Steve Frederick

September 27, 2023

Did you ever wake up on Sunday morning and think, “Argggh! I have to go to work tomorrow”? You utterly despise your job. But though you’ve been feeling this for a long time, you stay put.

Don’t Let Reference Checks Derail Your Job Search

Steve Frederick

August 15, 2023

You thought that job was in the bag? Well, someone else got it. One reason people lose jobs at the finish line is because of reference checks. Don’t let this happen to you!

BIG Job Search Mistakes: Online Postings & Ads

Steve Frederick

June 01, 2023

Time is money. Nowhere is this adage more applicable than in job search—particularly if you’re unemployed or in some rotten job where you are being grossly underpaid. Each week costs you a bundle. It’s obviously critical to be as efficient with your time as possible.

Your Next Job Interview Could Be Judged by AI: Here's How to Ace It

Steve Frederick

April 26, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) has already transformed the way companies recruit and screen job applicants, and now it's changing the way job interviews are conducted. With more companies turning to AI-powered interview tools, it's important for job seekers to understand how these tools work and how to prepare for them.

Networking: Are You a Beggar or a Contributor?

Steve Frederick

February 02, 2023

People who are in job search often say, “I just hate networking! I hate begging for a job.”

Maybe you’ve said that yourself a few times? You absolutely should hate begging for a job. Begging is degrading. So, try something else.

Can't Find "Results" For Your Resume & LinkedIn?

Steve Frederick

November 17, 2022

You’ve been staring at your computer screen for hours, racking your brain. Everybody says you’ve got to have results on your resume, but you just can’t think of any.

Do You Dread Networking Events?

Steve Frederick

October 29, 2022

Some of us would rather stick needles in our eyes than attend networking events. So, we either stay home, or we go because we know we SHOULD go—just like we know we SHOULD eat brussels sprouts and turnips. After all, these events are supposed to help us get hired, promoted, or bring revenue into your business.

Age Discrimination: How to Get Hired Even When You’re “Too Old”

Steve Frederick

October 10, 2022

Many employers have a lot of opinions about older workers.

Eight Things You Need To Know About Recruiters / Don’t Waste Their Time—And Yours!

Steve Frederick

October 10, 2022

Executive recruiters can be great allies in a job search. However, those who choose to rely on them often find they wasted a lot of time in their job search. It’s important to understand who recruiters are and how they work so that you can have a mutually-beneficial relationship.

“Free” Career Services Cost Me a Bundle

Steve Frederick

October 10, 2022

It’s tempting to take something when it’s free—or you can buy it for practically nothing. This is especially true when you’re out of work. Many organizations offer free or low-cost career services, including churches and community groups. Colleges and universities often offer services for their grads and alma mater. But be careful. We’ve heard from a lot of people that free and cheap can be quite expensive. [To be fair, some services are very good; others are not. We usually get an earful from those who have had negative experiences].

Be Careful of LinkedIn and Resume Writing Rip-offs

Steve Frederick

October 10, 2022

A man from Glencoe called me about misgivings he was having about the resume he’d received from some online LinkedIn profile writing service. He’d paid a lot! He asked me to view what they’d done and tell him if he’d been scammed. A quick look showed the work was amateurish—like this company had hired some high school kids.

Six Ways College Grads Botch Job Searches

Steve Frederick

October 10, 2022

It was so exciting to see your child walk across the stage wearing a cap and gown, but months have gone by and he/she is still looking for a decent job. What’s going on?

Signs You May Get Fired Soon

Steve Frederick

October 10, 2022

Many of our clients who have been fired say they were totally blindsided. But as they looked back, they realized they shouldn’t have been.

What to Say When Employers Ask: Why so Many Jobs?

Steve Frederick

October 10, 2022

You’re no job hopper. You’ve been a great employee. You’ve worked hard. You’re loyal. Excellent performance. And yet, your resume makes you look like the Easter Bunny. So what do you say When Employers Ask, “Why So Many Jobs?”

11 Ways to Lose Your Next Job Interview Part II

Steve Frederick

October 10, 2022

For many people, complaining is a favorite pastime. We complain about the traffic, the weather, politicians, and the food we had at the greasy spoon. But don’t do it in job interviews or you risk being seen as a negative person.

11 Ways to Lose Your Next Job Interview Part I

Steve Frederick

October 10, 2022

You’ve got an interview! Excellent news! But remember, you’ve got to be perceived as the best candidate. Just doing “well” in the interview may not be good enough. Here are eleven things to pay attention to in order to make that happen.

An Expensive College Degree-And No Job

Steve Frederick

October 10, 2022

It Cost A Fortune To Put Your Son or Daughter Through College.

But now, you’re worried. You hear the job market is tough and smart kids from great schools are working at Walmart and Starbuck’s. They can’t seem to find a decent job.

Rebound After Losing The Job Interview

Steve Frederick

October 10, 2022

What do you do when you get rejected from a job you REALLY wanted?

Before You Lose Your Job – Take Action

Steve Frederick

October 10, 2022

This short article might save you a lot of grief. You might be fired or laid off without warning.  

That happened to Jim, who worked in a company in Evanston. One day that seemed like just another day at work, he was called into a conference room. “We have to let you go–sorry.”

Age Discrimination in Job Interviews? Confront It (tactfully)

Steve Frederick

October 10, 2022

Age is the elephant in the room. Most employers are not going to come right out and say it, but a lot of them are thinking it. They know they can get sued for discriminating, but there are many ways to discriminate without running afoul of the law.

8 Things Keeping You From Winning Job Interviews

Steve Frederick

October 10, 2022

You’ve heard the obvious job interview advice: Don’t be late. Dress appropriately. Don’t curse your former employer. You’ve been around the block a few times, and—you know all this.

Get Out Now-Before You’re Fired

Steve Frederick

October 10, 2022

The boss said, “Sorry, we don’t need you anymore.” That’s devastating to hear. And the consequences can be hugely expensive. This happened to three recent clients who came to Lucrative Careers after they were caught by surprise with an abrupt termination. At first, they said there had been no warning. Later, however, when we talked through what had happened, they came to see there were very clear signs they should have seen and acted upon.

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