
Nail Down That Job This Holiday Season

Don't Wait Until January!

Do you want to hear a BIG MISTAKE many job hunters make? They say, "I'm putting off MY job hunt until after the holidays. Nobody's hiring now." Far too many job hunters wrongly believe there's no point in doing much between Thanksgiving and the end of the year. After all, people are into celebrating, not hiring. So they waste precious—and expensive—weeks and maybe miss big opportunities. The holiday season, like any other time of the year, is a time for hiring.

Hiring That Doesn't Depend on the Season

First, positions need to be filled because a business is growing or an employee quits, gets transferred, retires, is fired, gets a promotion, or becomes sick. That's seven reasons for a job to open up, none of which have anything to do with the time of year.

Getting Ready for January Hires

Second, January is looked upon as a great time to begin something new. Many organizations' department budgets have been approved, and fresh money is available for hiring. Since the recruitment of candidates, initial screening, interviewing, final selection and approval, and training all consume lots of time, it is not unreasonable that a January hire would be put into motion weeks before that.

Get a Leg Up on the Competition

Anyone who keeps their job search in full gear during the holiday season gains a strategic advantage. Partly this stems from operating while there is less competition because others are sitting on the sidelines, telling themselves there is no point in looking right now.

The holiday season also carries a psychological advantage. There is good cheer in the air. People are a bit harder to reach, but if you do reach them, they tend to be more relaxed and willing to spend time with you.

How to Make the Holiday Season Count for Your Job Search

Here are a few things you can do to make the holiday season count:

  1. Check for Association-Sponsored Holiday Events: Attend as many as possible.
  2. Carry Business Cards and Resumes Everywhere: Always be prepared to network.
  3. Meet at Least Ten People at Each Event: Expand your network intentionally.
  4. Thank Party Organizers: Compliment them on their good work to make a positive impression.
  5. Organize Your Own Networking Event: Reach out to people you have been meaning to contact.
  6. Attend Your Trade or Professional Association's Event: Reconnect with old contacts and meet new members.

Parties can provide a lot of contacts. Every person you meet can give you additional names of people who can help you in your job hunt. By networking, you can open the "hidden job market"—those jobs that have yet to be advertised, or never will be.

Conclusion: Keep Your Job Campaign Moving

Remember, employers always need good people, regardless of the time of year. When they need help, they will hire, and there is no way to predict when it will happen. The best bet is to keep a job campaign moving at all times.

If you’d like to discuss your job search and/or career future, schedule a free 15-minute meeting.

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